It is our best feature!
You can trust your precious memories to TurboScans. We give every project the "white glove" treatment and we care for your memories as if they were our own. Every step of our process is centered around giving you the highest quality digital conversion possible.
TurboScans is a family business and our family has over 20 years of experience in the printing industry. This experience translates to exceptional knowledge of color correcting, photo quality and file optimization. Our goal is to be the very best.
Look at all the ways we can serve you!
TurboScans began several years ago as simply a photo scanning service. Over the years we have continued to add more technology so we can offer a complete lineup of restoration and preservation services. Today we offer the following services and we are always looking for new services to offer our clients.
Click the services below to learn more and to view pricing information.
There are many ways to get your photos converted to digital, but we offer the quickest, and highest quality. Our equipment is industrial grade, and the output is amazing. Your photos are handled with white cotton gloves, and are scanned at 600 dots per inch (dpi). They are color adjusted as needed, and given a nice final trim so the images have nice crisp edges.
We store your files in folders that match the way you have your photos organized. For example, if you have them in envelopes marked such as "Vacation 1987" or "Jessica's Wedding", the scans will be in folders with those same names when you recieve your finished project.
The standard pricing is for photos as small as 3x3, up to 8x10. We can scan smaller and larger than those sizes, but adjusted pricing will need to be quoted based on your project.
Photo scanning, color correction, archivalMost slides are very old, and that we see already have serious color degradation to them. The TurboScans hardware and software are vastly superior to most of the other service providers out there. Many in this market do not even offer color correcting on slides because it's very difficult to do. We invested in the best hardware and the best software to be able to give you the best possible preservation of your memories.
Our process includes carefully cleaning each slide before we capture it, and our advance software color adjusts the image beautifully. We store your files in folders that match the way you have your slides organized. For example, if you have them in carousels or boxes marked "Vacation 1987" or "Jessica's Wedding", the scans will be in folders with those same names when you recieve your finished project.
The standard pricing is based on the 35mm slide size. We can scan every format available, but some slides may have adjusted pricing for the processes they require. Branding, Web Design
Our negative scanning process can facilitate negatives of any size and format. They are scanned with very high resolution equipment, such that the resulting file is the same resolution as if we'd scanned the print of that image. Our powerful color correction software can adjust them as necessary, and the digital files look amazing.
Pricing is based on each individual frame (photograph) not the entire strip of images. Standard pricing is for 35mm formats, but we can scan any type of negative out there. Adjusted pricing can be quoted if you have smaller formats such as 110 film, or larger formats such as Medium or Large format film.
Photography, Negatives, FilmCommon document scanning jobs include family history documents, genealogy, income tax documents and more. Our powerful document scanners will scan single or double sided documents, either in color or black and white, and we store them for you in a PDF format.
Standard pricing is based on black and white pages without images, and changes based upon number of sides, color needs, images vs. text, and so on. If you have a document project you need done, let's have a look at your project as a whole, and we'll make sure we can do it for the best price possible.
Document, Family History, Journal, TaxesScanning your scrapbooks is a great way to preserve those very unique, one-of-a-kind creations you spent countless hours creating from scratch.
Pricing is based on the overall page size, and the best way for us to price the job is for you to bring us the books so we can give you an accurate quote for the work. Base price for the scanning starts at 99¢ a page for scrapbooks 8.5x11 and under, and $2.00 per page for 12x12 sized books. Additional charges or discounts will factor in based on the type of album, and what kind of work is required to get a good scan. For example, some albums have to be physically dismantled and page protectors removed.
Scrapbooks, Photo Scanning, AlbumsAudio journals, recorded "letters" on tape, funeral programs and more are found on your old audio cassette tapes. Those are degrading over time and playback equipment is becoming increasingly more difficult to find. We convert your audio cassettes and micro cassettes to MP3 format so they can be preserved forever.
Pricing is based on the amount of actual audio converted. So if you have 5 audio tapes, and together all of the recording adds up to 2.5 hours, you are billed $25.00. The blank or empty space on the tape doesn't count, only space that actually has audio recorded on it. We cannot convert copywritten material, such as professional recordings unless you own the copyright.
Audio Cassette, Micro CassetteBack in the day we recorded all our most exciting memories with video cameras. Weddings, births, little league games and more. Once converted to digital, you can preserve them forever and share them on social media, watch them on your big screen TV, play them at family reunions and more. Presently we can convert VHS, VHS-C and 8mm video tapes.
You have a few options for what we do with the video once it's converted, some incur and upcharge. We discuss your project needs with you before we being the job.
Pricing is based on the amount of actual footage converted. So if you have 5 video tapes, and together all of the recording adds up to 3 hours of video, you are billed $60.00. The blank or empty space on the tape doesn't count, only space that actually has video recorded on it. We cannot convert copywritten material, such as professional recordings unless you own the copyright.
VHS, VHS-C, 8mmMany in the older generation have precious home movies recorded on 8mm and Super 8 film reels. The most recent addition to the TurboScans menu is converting those old home movies to digital. Beware of companies who say they convert these reels to DVD - many only play the reels on a projector and re-record them with a digital camera. We have true film capturing equipment where we are actually scanning every frame of the film, providing the best quality capture possible. Not only that, we also are able to correct the playback speed and correct the color of the film, giving you the best possible video files of your memories.
Pricing is based on the 3" reels, which are the most common sizes we see. Any other sizes are priced accordingly based on their length. 8mm, Super 8, Movie Reel
Don't wait. Your photos and slides need to be seen, enjoyed and shared. Let us get them out of storage and into your hands!
Our exclusive Photo Vault USB drive is waterproof, crushproof, and the perfect place to secure your memories. We can make multiple copies for other family members too.
Other formats available upon request, including DVD, M-Disc and External Hard Drive.
Call us today to get your project started, you'll be so glad you did!
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